THE rate of violence in the world today is alarming that
attention must be given to it. Violence is a problem that destroys a home or a
society. It is a behaviour intended to hurt or kill somebody. Violence is an
extreme form of aggression, such as assault, rape or murder. It is a kind of
abuse to hurt individuals physically, emotionally, and psychologically.
Violence can also be regarded as a crime which can be as a result of crisis or
wars in countries or states. Every year there are cases of people loosing their
lives to violence.
Violence is of different types but the most important one to
be discussed here is the domestic violence which takes place every day in the
world as a result of isunderstanding between two individuals that are engaged
in a kind of relationship. It is an issue that people talk about everyday but
no solution has been proffered to it.
Domestic violence is as old as man. As mentioned above, the
key thing is that the perpetrators or the victims are in a kind of family
relationship. It could be marriage or birth relationship. Whenever violence
occurs in the family, women are usually blamed and accused of not being
submissive to their husband or being too impatient.
Domestic violence can happen to anyone of any race, age,
sexual orientation, religion or gender. It can happen to couples who are
married, living together or who are dating. It affects people of all
socioeconomic backgrounds and educational levels. It differs from country to
country, and era to era.
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behaviour
in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an
intimate partner. This means that most people engaged in a relationship wants
to use it to gain control over their counterparts either for respects or fear.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, domestic violence is: “the
inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another;
also: a repeated/habitual pattern of such behaviour”. Violence is a broader
definition often used to include child abuse, elder abuse, and other violent
acts between family members, wife abuse, wife beating, and battering. Domestic
violence can also mean endangerment, criminal coercion, kidnapping, unlawful
imprisonment, trespassing, harassment, and stalking.
Whenever marital/domestic violence is mentioned, people’s
mind just race off to physical violence but that is not the only issue. It also
includes psychological bettering of the wife by the husband. Marital violence
is worse in our society where women’s rights are seen as something evil. Women
generally in our society are supposed to be seen and not heard.
Domestic violence can take many forms but there is
acknowledgement that many victims are not actually married to the abuser, but
rather cohabiting or in other arrangements. Other forms of abuse may be
constantly occurring, while physical abuse happens occasionally. Male, and
females are victims of domestic violence but, most times females are
Women who are victims of domestic violence most times want
to keep quiet to the good and bad things happening in their homes in order for
peace to reign, but this is not the issue because it is better for you to tell
your partner the truth about an issue in a respectful manner, not being abusive
and harsh in your tone. Many women are dead, some are carrying internal
injuries and have resigned to fate, saying: ‘that is how life is; who do I go
and complain to? Who is going to take me in?; These are the things the women
face to avoid divorce and other issues concerning break-ups in their
Causes Of Domestic
There are certain things in the society that causes domestic
violence and they include;
*cultural values: Culture is the way of life of the people,
a belief that the Africans value so much. The African culture believes that
when a woman is married, she is not supposed to come back to her father’s house
and that her husband is in full control of her welfare or well-being. The
Africa culture believes that a woman must respect her husband and be submissive
to him. These beliefs make most men to behave in certain ways and say, ‘After
all I have paid her bride price and she is under may control, no matter what
happens she cannot go back to her family because, they will bring her back to
me; This African culture that does not believe in divorce poses a problem to
the women who are victims because they will be confused on what to do about the
*Economic issues: The economic situation of the society is
one of the causes of domestic violence in the sense that, the state of
unemployment in the society has reduced the standard of living of the people.
When a man is unemployed and need finances to take care of his family and those
things are not forthcoming, this becomes a burden to the man and he begins to
behave abnormal sometimes. When a man is in this situation, he is ready to beat
his wife whenever she talks to him any how.
Another reason on this economic issue is that, there is no
law governing the issue of domestic violence and this makes people to do it
anytime without the fear of going to jail.
*Childlessness: Marriage without an issue most times causes
domestic violence such that, when the man thinks of the gain in the marriage
and there is nothing to show for it, the man gets angry with the woman even if
it is not her fault. A marriage without the fruit of the womb, is a marriage of
crisis because, there is nobody to look up to whenever issues arise.
* Sex: This is a physical activity that involves a woman and
a man to take place. It is an emotional drive that is so terrible that when it
occurs, it becomes difficult for the man or woman to control. A married man and
woman staying together are supposed to satisfy each other in terms of sex to
prevent the man or woman from misbehaving outside. Most times when men have
this sexual drive and the woman seems to reject it in an aggressive way, it
makes the man to be angry and this causes a problem between both of them.
* Jealousy: This is a state of being angry or unhappy
because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else. When a
man or woman is having the feeling that his/her partner is interested or is
cheating on him/her, this becomes a big problems in the house and it brings
about domestic violence which could be verbal abuse/beating/emotional disorder.
Effects Of Domestic
*Effects on children: Children who are exposed to domestic
violence or domestic abuse during their childhood suffer from developmental and
psychological problems. Due to domestic violence that some children face,
emotionally, socially, behaviorally as well as cognitively. Some emotional and behavioral
problems that can result due to domestic violence include; increased
aggressiveness, anxiety and changes in how a child socializes with friends,
family and authorities. It can be said that exposing children to family
violence is child abuse.
*Physical effects: Bruises, broken bones, head injuries and
internal bleeding requires medical attention and hospitalization. Some chronic
health conditions that have been linked to victims of domestic violence are
arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pain, pelvic pain, ulcers and
migraines. Pregnant women during domestic violence experience miscarriages,
pre-term labour, and injury to or death of foetus.
*Psychological effects: Victims are made to feel guilty for
generating the abuse and are frequently subjected to intense criticism. Victims
of domestic violence experience long-term anxiety and panic, and are likely to
meet the diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder and panic
*Financial effect:” Due to economic abuse and isolation, the
victims usually has very little money of their own and few people on whom they
can rely when seeking help are not there for them. In addition to lacking
financial resources, victims of domestic violence often lack specialized
skills, education, and training that are necessary to find gainful employment.
The victims of this domestic violence most times, do not have a reasonable job
they are doing to satisfy their need thereby relying on other persons.
Solutions to domestic
There is no problem without a solution provided the parties
involved are committed to finding a solution. The most important thing is that,
there should be serious law made by the government about the issue of domestic
violence so that, when a person goes against the law he/she will be penalised
according to what is contained in the law.
Another solution is that groups of persons like NGOs should
be out to preach against domestic violence by telling the truth about the issue
than taking sides and the government should budget for such things.
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