Is Marriage A Cure For Promiscuity?
PROMISCUITY is fast becoming prevalent in our society. It
has become a way of having fun especially in the male species. According to the
men, it is a way of testing water and surfing grounds. The African man sees
promiscuity as tasting different kinds of soup and knowing which one appeals
most to his stomach. Some say it is the changing of shirts to the most suitable
one. Many men out there believe that at the time they say their vows, they are
automatically curbed of promiscuity. This is due to the fact that they are
married and must be faithful to their wives.
Is marriage a cure for promiscuity is a question that
demands an answer. Seriously, is that really possible when we all know that
promiscuity is a habit. Getting married is not a cure rather, promiscuity is
given a new name “Adultery”. Promiscuity is a habit which cannot disappear with
just vows; it is a consistent desire to stop that destroys the habit.
Have you ever wondered why married men go out of their matrimonial
bed for single ladies or the preference for married man by single ladies.
Marriage is an institution and also a process of learning how to live with
people of different characters, attitudes, personality usually a male and a
female. Marriage reveals flaws of both partners and hereby is no cure for
promiscuity as ascertained by some men.
One thing men fail to realize in marriage is that it opens
you up to flaws, tests, and difficulties except if it is resolved amicably.
Promiscuity only gets worse when flaws in marriages are revealed. It is a
sexual addiction common amongst men. The main drive for promiscuity to me is
that men see women as just a tool for satisfying their sexual urge rather than
as an intelligent being they can learn from.
What then is the cure? Knowing now that promiscuity is a
habit that needs to be dealt with. The first step is admitting you are and that
the desire to stop has been decided. After that, self control over your sexual
urge has to be learnt. The Bible condemns promiscuity in that it sees it as an
aberration of marriage and also a spiritual problem. The only way out of
promiscuity is through avoiding materials that increase your urge and having
To those who still think marriage is a cure for promiscuity
is deceiving themselves. I leave this question for them to answer. What happens
when your wife gives you a silence treat and is asking for space. Do you as a
man wait patiently or you jump into the next available bed.
For ladies whose men are promiscuous and saying “honey, when
we say our vows, I will remain faithful to you is a big LIE. You cannot change
what you are or as my friend puts it “You are, what you are”. Let him deal with
his habits before standing at the altar.
To all you guys who are deceiving themselves, it’s time to
wake up from your slumber and deal with promiscuity. If you cannot stick to one
girl, how sure are you that you will remain faithful to your wife after being married?
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